Monday, August 20, 2007

Live For the Fun

Yep! It's time for more slide shows of California visitors. This time, Russell and Gina were here for a week. To see the movie ( get's almost 20 minutes long! *lol*) here It's called "Live For the Fun" Be sure to leave a comment!

Friday, August 03, 2007

The Third Wave of Invaders

Yep.....another group was here last week. WOW! We sure have had a lot of company! Do you think we are that much fun? Maybe....maybe not....
Oh, yes....we ARE that much fun!!! *lol*
Another adventure to see. To view the the link "The Great California Caper" located under "Other Sites Equally Boring" The movie is titled
"wish Upon a Star"
Come on over/down/up/by....whatever it takes and wherever you live.......
As the sign says..."visitor's welcome"